"The universe was formed by sound/ light vibrations. All is vibration. We are the light body; the energy. So all experience relates to the energy/ frequency that we are operating with. As you raise frequency, you raise consciousness. Your destiny is in your hands. You are the universe created by your thought-forms, ideas. We do not live in the universe. We are the universe."~
"Once we recognize that all matter is actually energy, we can begin to form a new vision of ourselves and the world around us. We begin to realize that our surroundings are not what they seem." ~ William Buhlman
"Your world, present and future, is directly and specifically affected by the signal that you are now transmitting. The personality that is You is really an Eternal personality, but who you are right now, and what you are thinking right now, is causing a focusing of Energy that is very powerful. This Energy that you are focusing is the same Energy that creates worlds. And it is, in this very moment, creating your world."~Abraham <3 LOA