Tuesday 7 August 2012

A Life Without Limits

“Don’t believe what your eyes are telling you. All they show is limitation. Look with your understanding, find out what you already 
know, and you’ll see the way to fly.” 
~Richard Bach

Many of us are living our lives not looking so much through rose-coloured glasses, but more of a stained-glass window of limiting beliefs and conditioning handed down to us at birth, from experiences, by our family and friends, teachers, co-workers, media, and many of the people we looked to as points of reference growing up. 

Like sponges, we soak up their beliefs, limitations, perceptions of the world, of what was/is possible or impossible as truth and allow all of them to shape us and the life we are living today, not conscious that many of the beliefs are not even ours.

On the positive side, all of these things can be changed, once we become conscious of them.  No matter what happens to us we always have a choice and we have the power to do something about it, to change ourselves, our thoughts, our beliefs, our circumstances and become the architect of our lives. 
When we quieten our minds down enough to hear, feel or see, there will always be a voice, feeling, serendipitous person, or event asking you to go back to yourself, to who you really are and realise your true essence that anything is possible.

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