"The Universe is working for you. You’re just giving mixed signals, so the Universe gives you some of what you want and some of what you don’t want, some of what you want and some of what you don’t want… very compliant Universe, giving you exactly what you’ve got going on vibrationally. And, if you don’t like what you’re getting, you’ve gotta stop emitting it, which means you’ve gotta clean up your thoughts. It’s just that simple. You’ve gotta clean up your thoughts which means something even simpler. You’ve gotta care about how you feel. You’ve gotta care about how you feel... that you’re not thinking thoughts logically, you’re not thinking thoughts because other people want you to think the thoughts, you’re thinking the thoughts based solely – this is the best thing you’re ever gonna hear in your whole life, this is the secret to living happily-ever-after, this is the secret to getting everything that you want from this life experience, this is the secret to continuing the trajectory that you started when you made the decision to come into this physical body – YOU JUST GOTTA DECIDE THAT YOU WANNA FEEL GOOD, and you wanna feel good so much that you’re willing to give up the opinions that don’t allow you to feel good… about everything… about everything."~~ABRAHAM MAY 31, 2014 PHILADELPHIA, PA <3 LOA