Saturday, 29 August 2015

"For every pleasing thing, there is an unpleasing counterpart, for within every particle of the Universe is that which is wanted as well as the lack of that which is wanted. When you focus upon an unwanted aspect of something in an effort to push it away from you, it only comes closer, because you get what you give your attention to whether it is something that you want or not. It is up to you to focus upon and attract what is wanted."~Abraham

Excerpted from: Money and the Law of Attraction on August 31, 2008

Saturday, 22 August 2015

So sweet!
Photo uncredited on Pinterest

"Love does not control, it is utterly free of any form of manipulation, domination, or restriction on the one loved, otherwise, of course it would not be Love." ~ Jesus through John Smallman from the blog, 'As children of God each one of you is a very powerful energy field of Love.'

Sunday, 16 August 2015

Christy Turlington photographed by Ellen von Unwerth, 1996.
Christy Turlington photographed by Ellen von Unwerth, 1996

“You are ready and able to do beautiful things in this world, and as you walk through those doors today, you will only have two choices: love or fear. Choose love, and don’t ever let fear turn you against your playful heart.” ~ Jim Carrey

Sunday, 9 August 2015


Bathe your body in the truth of who you are. Each inhale say “I am”, each exhale say the affirmation (silently or aloud). 

Imagine red light at the base of the pelvis and say the words I AM SAFE 
Orange at low abdomen, I AM CONFIDENT 
Yellow at upper abdomen, I AM POWERFUL 
Bright green at heart center, I AM LOVING 
Pale blue at base of throat, I AM TRUTHFUL 
Deep blue between eyebrows, I AM WISE 
Violet above the head, I AM WHOLE 
White in the space slightly higher above the head, I AM FREE 

Soak in the effects of washing your body and mind in truth 

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

The Path to Total Transformation.My inner light is guiding me.  My true self shines with its own light. |   “It is only through thanksgiving that I can become myself." ― Kallistos Ware. *  Oprah and Deepak Chopra  #21dayexperience  DAY 19 “It is only through thanksgiving that I can become myself." ― Kallistos Ware
Photo uncredited on Pinterest

"Integrity means following at all times one’s highest sense of what is right, whatever the consequences may be, however solitary your path and however loud the taunts and the mockeries of the crowd and the Pharisees."~Pierre Pradervand’s blog 

Monday, 3 August 2015

alone with nature | solitude | time out | precious | beautiful | sun on the back | wind in the hair

“One has to be alone, under the sky, Before everything falls into place and one finds his or her own place in the midst of it all. We have to have the humility to realize ourselves as part of nature.” ~Thomas Merton


"Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity."~Weil