Friday 15 March 2013

What If...


What if, everyone decided on this day, to adopt this:
"I Am embracing my life as it is. Nothing is missing. I Am deeply grateful for what is, and wide open to what shall be. There is a package, already in the Divine elevator, just waiting to be delivered to me the moment I dissolve the 'something is missing piece,' making space inside of me for more Light (Wisdom and Truth) to come through me, and more God to come through me, with a special delivery!
I Am calling forth all energies created in times gone by, and in present time, and command them to remain outside the boundaries of my new life on Earth. You shall not be entertained and longer.
I Am making my departure on this day from all erroneous beliefs that something is missing in order to stand inside my complete life, imperfect as it may seem right now; knowing the moment I deeply embrace it as so, grace will flood in.
And so it is!

Maureen Moss

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