Friday 20 July 2012

Nobody Likes A Back-Seat Driver

No one is more qualified than you to make decisions about your life and who actually appreciates a back-seat driver anyway?  It takes the pressure off if you understand that every experience you have, whether you characterise it as “good” or “bad,” is exactly the experience you need to have at that moment. Some choices may lead to more painful lessons than others, but living life in fear of living life is no way to live.

Catch yourself next time saying: "What should I be doing?" And realise that the real meaning of this question is, "How can I fulfil other people's expectations of me?" Once you are aware of yourself asking this question, let go and ask yourself a different question instead: "What is the next step in living my life?"  

The road most travelled by is one that will allow you to fit in and feel accepted, but it will never allow you to make a difference.  You determine your story. 

“It is better to fail at your own life than to succeed at someone else’s.”

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