Wednesday 31 October 2012

Time to Burn Your (Underwire) Bra?

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The first issue with underwire bras is that all underwire bras are made of a plastic coated metal. According to Dr. George Goodheart author of Chinese Lessons For Modern Chiropractors, Goodheart found that it is possible to tape a small metal ball onto an AcuPoint (acupuncture point), and accomplish longer-term stimulation to that point. The BBs are used by thousands of doctors daily. Metal that is constantly on a given point on the human body may cause problems. One critical factor is where the metal is, and what that point ties to in terms of the human psychophysiology. For the underwires in Bras, the wires fall directly onto two very important NeuroLymphatic Reflexes. The one goes to the Liver and Gall Bladder. The other goes to the Stomach.

Dr. Christiane Northrup, M.D., Univ. of Vermont College of Medicine author of Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom, (Bantom Books 2002; page 344) writes "Stop wearing an underwire bra." Too often this kind of bra cuts off circulation of both blood and lymph fluid around the breast, chest wall, and surrounding tissue.

Dr. Jesse Hanley, M.D., in her book: What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Premenopause, (Warner Books, 1999), Dr. Hanley encourages her patients not to wear underwire bras or even tight bras, except for special occasions because they block the lymph glands under the arms, around the breast and chest wall. "Lymph glands play an important role in draining toxins from the breast."

Constricting bras have also been implicated in the rise of benign (non-cancerous) but often painful breast cysts and lumps. Says Dr. John McDougall, M.D., in his book titled The McDougall Program for a Healthy Heart
Underwires can be switched out with plastic, you could buy bras without underwires, or if possible hang loose!  Spanx just came out with a new completely stretchable fabric bra which is receiving rave reviews. 


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