Wednesday 16 January 2013

"You are a unique expression of the Divine. A facet, if you will, of the Diamond of Divinity's love for the world.  You were born as a gift to the planet and the human race and it is your responsibility to express that gift.  By being you, a free and wild human being, you gift the world with that Love. Your work is not to figure it out, or to encumber yourself with a label or persona, your work is simply to be you. You in all your imperfect and wild beauty! The wildness of your self shines a light that is yours and yours alone. Consider the wild flower that insists on pushing herself through the cold suffocating concrete of a city pavement. She lifts her face up valiantly to the sun and allows her beauty to bless all who take the time to notice her. Does that seem too daunting a task, dear one? Do not let fear, an illusion, prevent you. The world is but an illusion because as the wildflower teaches us, even the 'reality' of cement did not stop her from blooming and sharing her light. Your hard work is to be you, to burst through the cracks and be your true and authentic self. Search your heart and begin to see your own beauty. Do not judge yourself , that is not your job. Do not compare yourself, that is not your truth. Find the wildness of your soul and begin to move! Begin to lift your face to sun and dance your life, dance your Divinity and be the gift you were created to be." ~Martha Graham

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